The Rebellion continued to engage in battles with the Empire in the Galactic Civil War. When the Alliance stole the plans for the Empire's ultimate weapon, the Death Star, and destroyed the space station in the Battle of Yavin with the help of Luke Skywalker, the tide of the war began to turn, and the Rebel threat began to prove a severe thorn in the Empire's side. Clone Wars veterans such as Captain Rex also assisted in the initial movement.Īs opposed to waging all-out war, the Alliance waged a war of attrition against the Empire, establishing small bases across the galaxy instead of controlling an entire planet. Founded and united by Organa and Ahsoka Tano, the early rebels were assisted by surviving Jedi, such as Kanan Jarrus, and his Padawan, Ezra Bridger. Its efforts were led by renegade members in the Imperial Senate such as Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and later, his daughter Leia Organa, and its members were citizens of the Empire and defectors from the Imperial Military such as Jan Dodonna, Ryder Azadi and Wedge Antilles. The Alliance and the cells before it were born from the overall discontent within the Empire of those who wished the Old Republic restored. The Alliance was publicly and formally declared with the Declaration of the Rebel Alliance. The Atrivis Resistance Group was one of the first cells to join what Mothma began calling " the Alliance" before the formal formation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. This early group came together from a number of rebel cells, including the crew of the Ghost and the Phoenix Cell. The Alliance was formed from a less organized movement to oppose the Empire that existed, which was secretly led by Organa. The Alliance to Restore the Republic ( 2 BBY– 4 ABY), commonly known as the Rebel Alliance, Alliance, the Rebellion, and rarely the Separatists, was a resistance movement formed by Bail Prestor Organa and Mon Mothma to oppose the reign of the Galactic Empire. To these ends, we pledge our property, our honor, and our lives." ―Declaration of Rebellion

" We, the Rebel Alliance, do therefore in the name-and by the authority-of the free beings of the Galaxy, solemnly publish and declare our intentions: To fight and oppose you and your forces, by any and all means at our disposal To refuse any Imperial law contrary to the rights of free beings To bring about your destruction and the destruction of the Galactic Empire To make forever free all beings in the galaxy.